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Exclusive Services

Experience a one-of-a-kind and comprehensive method of healing with Biocentric Energy solutions.


Our approach involves identifying and resolving any energy imbalance that may be causing physical or emotional discomfort, ultimately aiming to enhance your overall state of wellness and harmony. Reach out to us today to schedule your Full Personal Wellness Energy Reading


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Personal Energy Balancing

Experience a comprehensive Personal Wellness energy reading with us, as we utilize a circular Chart with measurements ranging from 0 to 36. A clockwise pull indicates a Positive reading of +1 to +36, while an anti-clockwise pull suggests a Negative reading of -1 to -36. Our readings will cover your Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Physical, and Spiritual Health, including detailed examinations of your organs and Immunity. We will also check your auric field for negative entities and emotional blockages. Prior to the reading, we will conduct a 30-minute consultation to explore the areas that need attention in a safe and supportive environment. Contact us to schedule your session today.


Kindly contact us for an appointment

*Donation (Love offering) welcomed 


Consultation (30-60mins) - Health and Wellness 


Upon reviewing the results of the Personal Health Reading, we will work with the client to identify viable solutions to enhance their overall health and well-being. Our recommendations could include Biocentric Energy healing sessions that last 60-90 minutes, either inside or outside, as well as alternative remedies such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, Herbal Supplements, Biocentric Energy cleansing essential oil sprays, and shower gels. If the client’s home has a low or negative vibrational reading, we may suggest a Biocentric Home harmonisation package to address the issue. We will work with the client to determine the best approach to achieve their desired outcome. Contact us today to begin your journey towards optimal health and wellness.


*Donation (Love offering) welcomed 


Add On Service :- Testing suitability of Products/ Herbal Supplements etc (30 mins) (Using Biocentric Health Radiesthesia)


We use specialized pendulums to measure the client’s personal wavelength during our Biocentric Health Radiesthesia sessions. This technique enables us to assess the condition of the client’s physical and energetic system, and to evaluate the impact of external stimuli and substances on the body-mind complex. Our assessments can include items such as food, supplements, personal care products, and more. By analyzing these factors, we can provide personalized recommendations to help the client achieve optimal health and wellness. Contact us today to schedule your Biocentric Health Radiesthesia session and discover how we can help you improve your overall well-being.



*Donation (Love offering) welcomed 


Body and Auric Field Healing Session- Indoors  (60-90min)


Our Biocentric Energy harmonizers are carefully designed to balance the client’s personal energy field. We place them precisely and systematically around the body, using geometric shapes and symbols that are chosen based on the individual's specific needs. These shapes and patterns can be applied to the body through the use of geometric diagrams or through the hands of our Biocentric Energy practitioner. Each shape and pattern has unique healing properties, such as reducing inflammation or increasing circulation. We may recommend these sessions in conjunction with a TCM or Ayurveda protocol to achieve the best results. Contact us to schedule a session and experience the benefits of Biocentric Energy harmonization for yourself.


Kindly contact us for an appointment

*Donation (Love offering) welcomed


Entities and Emotional Blockage Clearing- Outdoors  (max 120min)


During the healing session, Sue, our clairvoyant psychic medium, will connect with the client's energy field to provide psychic guidance. Her abilities include clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), and clairsentience (feeling), which she will use to gain insight into the client's questions about career, relationships, health, and well-being. She may also receive information about loved ones who have passed over, offering closure and comfort to the client.

The session will take place outdoors on a positive energy spot on the earth energy field, and various Biocentric Energy Solutions may be used to aid in the clearing. Sue may assist with the removal of dark malevolent spirits from the client and provide assistance to parents who have lost babies through illness, abortion, or miscarriage. She may also perform energetic clearing of current life or past life trauma to promote overall healing and wellness.

Our goal is to provide the client with the support and guidance they need to achieve their desired outcomes. Contact us today to schedule a healing session with Sue, our clairvoyant psychic medium.


Kindly contact us for an appointment


Minimum payment of $120 required for Biocentric Products/Solutions used


*Additional Donation (Love offering) welcomed


*All our healing sessions are complementary healthcare and not a replacement for professional medical treatment.




Environmental Harmonisation

Biocentric Home/Office Energy Solutions


It's no secret that our environment is full of toxins, and your home or office may be one of them.

When you're exposed to these environmental toxins, you might feel sick or just not yourself. You might notice that the energy in your space is heavy or confused. Maybe it feels like nothing feels right—and maybe it's because your space has been taken over by negative energies.


Who knows what's causing those feelings? Maybe it's the energy in your building, or maybe it's something else entirely. Either way, we can help. At 360 + we specialize in identifying and neutralizing negative earth energies such as Hartmann lines, Curry lines, Benker cubes and electromagnetic energies (EMF).


A harmonized space helps rebalance the energy quality of a space and restore wellness to any environment—so whether you're looking for a boost of peacefulness at home or clarity at work, we've got you covered!


Service Description


The Biocentric Environmental Home/Office Solutions Service is a complete and fully customised harmonisation service. Measurements involve the detection of resonant and harmonic energy patterns from all environmental sources exerting stress on biological functions, providing specific environmental energy-quality assessment for each home/office to tailor the solutions implemented.


By using this service you can:


-Identify and remove any negative energies that may be present in your home or office

-Improve the quality of energy in your living or working environment

-Reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, geopathic stress and geopathic lines on you and your family

-Restore balance within your home or office by removing negative energies

-Create an environment where you feel calm, peaceful and secure.





Get in Touch

360+ is a Health and Wellness business that specializes in space clearing as well as enhancing general health. We are dedicated to helping clients find balance and well-being in their lives through a variety of services and projects. Do get in touch with us and let us show you  how we can help you!

Herbal Medicine


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